Top 5 Leadership Mistakes You Must Avoid

Sidd Pagidipati
3 min readSep 19, 2020

A leader is more than a person who just leads people. A leader is someone who makes a positive impact on the people around them and someone who is driven by the right motivation. To be successful, a leader doesn’t just motivate people — a leader is empathetic and connects with people.

Being a leader comes with lots of responsibilities, including setting a good example for your team and handling workplace issues. On any given day, you might deal with problematic clients, difficult financial conditions, or unhappy employees. However, every great leader is also a great problem solver. Effective leaders map out a realistic plan of action in advance and are quick to connect the dots to solve problems that they run into every day.

As I mentioned in my previous interview, leadership is very important, especially during the ongoing pandemic. The coronavirus has us all feeling uncertain and worried, and as a leader, this is the time you should step up.

Although there isn’t a formula for being the perfect leader, there are some things you should avoid doing. I have created a list of top 5 leadership mistakes many leaders struggled with and how to overcome them.

Not delegating or improperly delegating work

Some leaders don’t delegate because they feel like they are the only person that can do the job properly. Not only does this cause problem for the company, but the leaders themselves also become burned out and stressed. For the entire business to progress, a good leader must trust their team that they can complete a task to the highest standard. Additionally, an employee who will see that you’re trusting them to do a certain task will be more motivated to live up to your expectations and continue improving in the future. You should be able to delegate and focus on your obligations. Another common mistake is improperly delegating work. Good leaders know how to assign work according to their employee’s interests and skills.

Communicating poorly

You should revisit the lines of communication in the company if you feel like you’re not providing enough feedback to your team. You should remind everyone to have open communication and reply promptly. You are depriving your employees the opportunity to improve their performance when you don’t provide prompt feedback to them.

Recruiting poorly

Being a leader means having a good team, and to do that, recruitment is required. Of course, you are going to need people who have knowledge and experience in the field, but you should also be looking for a personality that will contribute to the team dynamic. Another thing to watch out for is hurrying recruitment, which can lead to recruiting people who are unproductive, ineffective, or uncooperative.

Avoiding conflict

Many leaders keep away from uncomfortable and awkward confrontation. However, confrontation is sometimes necessary to not let the problems fester. A good leader will not avoid conflict, but instead, use it as an opportunity to help the team grow. Problems should be addressed directly, with the parties involved working together to overcome it. This will help your team members improve their communication and it will be a learning experience for everyone involved, including yourself.

Lacking vision

Your company will have difficulty progressing if you, as a leader, don’t have a vision. It is your responsibility to set goals and expectations for your company and hold each team member accountable. You will fail to progress and grow as a leader if you are uninspired and unfocused. No leader is successful without a clear vision, because that’s the thing that helps you move your business forward.



Sidd Pagidipati

Founder and Chief Executive Officer of InventCorp. Co-Founder and board member of Simile Software. Made to the Inc 500 #7 in 2009.